
Showing posts from 2018

DEAL at the GSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis

Image of a chambered nautilus by J.R. Hendricks from DEAL A presentation on the Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life (DEAL) was given at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, by Dr. Jonathan R. Hendricks. The DEAL continues to expand, with a new chapter on cephalopods recently released! Work on the land plant chapter has commenced, although none of the plant pages are available yet. Stay tuned for updates. Abstract:  Hendricks, J.R.,  E.J. Hermsen , and E. Hauf. 2018. The Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life (DEAL): An open access paleontology textbook. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana (talk). doi:10.1130/abs/2018AM-318607.  LINK Related links: DEAL main page DEAL Cephalopoda chapter by J.R. Hendricks Virtual teaching collection on Sketchfab  (models by E. Hauf)

Botany 2018

Modern Azolla  sporophytes, cultivated The Botany 2018 meeting was held from July 21-25 in Rochester Minnesota. I was involved in two projects presented at the meeting: " Taxonomic composition of the Neogene Gray Fossil Site carpoflora (Tennessee, USA) " was presented and authored by E.J. Hermsen. " An organismal concept for fossil  Azolla  from the early Paleocene (Danian) Salamanca Formation, Patagonia, Argentina " was presented by Nathan A. Jud (Cornell University) and authored by Jud, F. De Benedetti (Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio), E.J. Hermsen, and M.A. Gandolfo (Cornell). It was part of the colloquium  " Fossil plants at the intersection of evo-devo and phylogeny: Celebrating the contributions of Gar W. Rothwell to biodiversity and evolution ."

Hermsen Lab at the 35th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium

Cedar Falls, Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio The 35th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium took place in Athens, Ohio, from June 1-3, 2018. Scientific presentations took place in Porter Hall on the Athens campus on June 2nd. Dr. Kathleen Pigg of Arizona State University opened the scientific session with a keynote presentation on "Forty years of fun with paleobotany." This presentation was followed by 14 contributed talks. The Hermsen lab was represented by three speakers: Zack Quirk, who gave a presentation entitled "Neogene Corylopsis seeds from eastern Tennessee;" Caroline Siegert, who gave a presentation entitled "Structure and affinities of a novel type of endocarp from the Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee;" and Liz Hermsen, who gave a presentation entitled "The Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life (DEAL): An open-access, online paleontology textbook."

Visit to Gray Fossil Site

Alligator brickwork at Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee. Over spring break, I visited the collections of the Gray Fossil Site and Museum with Hermsen lab member Zack Quirk. The Gray Fossil Site represents an ancient lake that filled a sinkhole . Fossils preserved in the sediments of this ancient lake are about 4.5 to 7 million years old, much younger than the surrounding rock. Because of this, Gray Fossil Site offers us a unique opportunity to study a relatively young fossil assemblage in the Appalachian region. Gray Fossil Site is especially well known for its diverse vertebrates, which include animals like alligators, red pandas, mastodons, and tapirs. There are also plant remains at the site, mostly in the form of seeds and fruits. Some plants that have been described from Gray Fossil Site include grape, tupelo, hickory, bladdernut, and Chinese moonseed. More discoveries coming soon!

35th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium Website

Logo for the 35th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium The website for the 35th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium is now live! Find information and preregister for the meeting here .

35th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium

Encephalartos ferox , a cycad in the Ohio University greenhouse The 35th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (MPC) will be held on the campus of Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, from June 1-3, 2018. A mixer will be held at a local brewery on Friday, June 1. Talks and a poster session will be held on Saturday, June 2; the day will end with a banquet and keynote speaker. On Sunday, June 3, a field trip to the Hocking Hills will be arranged. A block of dorm rooms will be reserved on campus for meeting participants to rent. For those who do not wish to stay in the dorms, local hotels and camping are available in the Athens area. Participants should be aware that the Nelsonville Music Festival will be held in nearby Nelsonville, Ohio, on the same weekend as MPC, which may limit the availability of local hotel rooms.  Follow the 35th MPC on Facebook for updates as they become available. The colloquium Facebook page is ...

Collections Visit: Argentina

Festive sauropod skull at the Mef In early January, I traveled to Trelew, Argentina, to examine fossils from the Cretaceous La Colonia and Eocene Laguna del Hunco floras held at the Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio (Mef) in Trelew, Argentina. These fossils included mosquito ferns ( Azolla ), which I am studying with colleagues María A. Gandolfo and Nathan Jud of Cornell University. Check out our recent abstract from the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (2017) here .