
Departmental seminars/colloquia & public lectures

2021—“The diversity of the Neogene Gray Fossil Site paleoflora and its importance to understanding the modern flora of eastern North America.” Atlanta Botanical Garden Science Café (virtual). September 16, 2021. YouTube video of presentation

2021—“The early Pliocene (ca. 4.9–4.5 million-year-old) Gray Fossil Site fruit and seed flora: A rare Neogene flora from the Appalachian region.” Plant Biology Section, School of Integrative Plant Science (SIPS), Cornell University (Ithaca, New York). April 30, 2021.

2019—"Diversity and significance of the Gray Fossil Site fruit and seed flora." Gray Fossil Site/Hands On! Discovery Center (Gray, Tennessee). May 15, 2019.

2018—"Plant Diversity in the Tertiary," History of Life Lecture Series, Museum of the Earth (Ithaca, New York). November 5, 2018.

2017—"How to identify a water clover in deep time: The fossil record and evolution of Marsileaceae." Department of Environmental and Plant Biology, Ohio University (Athens, Ohio). October 6, 2017. Link to abstract

2016—“The fossil record of water clovers.” Department of Geological Sciences, Ohio University (Athens, Ohio). February 12, 2016.

2015—“Water ferns, ancient wetlands, and a case of mistaken identity.” Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan). October 1, 2015. YouTube video of presentation

2014—“Exploring the ancient woods and wetlands of Patagonia: field work and fossil floras.” Geology Club at San José State University, San José State University (San Jose, California). March 3, 2014.

Selected presentations & posters at meetings

* = presenter


Hendricks, J., E. Hermsen, A. Muraca, I.H.H. Zabel, R.M. Ross, and D. Haas. 2022. Earth@Home regional guides to the Earth science of the United States. The Geological Society of America Connects 2022, Denver, Colorado (poster).

Hermsen, E.J. 2022. Seeds of Passiflora subgenus Decaloba from the early Pliocene Gray Fossil Site of Tennessee. Mid-continent Paleobotanical Colloquium 2022, Oak Spring Garden Foundation, Upperville, Virginia (talk, no abstract submitted).

Hermsen, E.J. 2022. Update on the Pliocene Gray Fossil Site (Tennessee, U.S.A.) macrofossil flora: Diversity and biogeography. Botany 2022 (talk, given virtually).


Correa, J.*, S. Manchester, E.J. Hermsen, and S.E. Allan. 2021. Tracing the fossil record of Landeenia aralioides to its family – additional characters and a morphological comparison to Sapindales. Botany 2021, Virtual Botany Conference (talk). Link

Hendricks, J.*, R.M. Ross, D. Haas, I.H.H. Zabel, and E.J. Hermsen. 2021. Earth@Home: A new open access website to help geoscience educators and their students learn about the Earth where they live. The Geological Society of America Connects 2021 (talk, given virtually).

Hermsen, E.*, H. Blume, P. Cohen, D. Haas, J. Hendricks, and A. Moore. 2021. Daring to Dig: Women in American Paleontology. The Geological Society of America Connects 2021 (talk, given virtually).

Hermsen, E.J.* 2021. Seeds of Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) from the Pliocene Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee, U.S.A. Botany 2021, virtual conference (talk). Link

Matel, T.*, M.A. Gandolfo, E.J. Hermsen, and P. Wilf. 2021. New reproductive structures of Cunonioaceae tribe Cunonieae from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco flora, Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. 37th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (talk, given virtually). [Note: Abstract is in Oral session 4.] Link to meeting abstracts

Matel, T.*, M. Gandolfo, E.J. Hermsen, and P. Wilf. 2021. New reproductive structures of Cunonioaceae tribe Cunonieae from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco flora, Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Botany 2021, Virtual Botany Conference (talk). Link


Hermsen, E.J.* 2020. Fossil Passiflora seeds from Gray Fossil Site (Pliocene, Tennessee, U.S.A.). Botany 2020, Virtual Botany Conference. Link to abstract

Jud, N.A.*, F. De Benedetti, E.J. Hermsen, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2020. A Bayesian approach to estimating the phylogeny of Azolla. Virtual Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium 2020. Link to meeting abstracts

Jud, N.*, F. De Benedetti, E.J. Hermsen, and M. Gandolfo. 2020. Estimating the phylogeny of Azolla: a comparison between analysis of morphology and molecular data with and without tip-dating. Botany 2020, Virtual Botany Conference (poster). Link to abstract

Pier, J.Q.*, E. Hauf, J.A. Smith, E.J. Hermsen, and J.R. Hendricks. 2020. Pandemic paleontology: Teaching online using the Digital Atlas of Ancient Life Virtual Collection. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (talk, given virtually). Link to video


Hermsen, E.J.* 2019. Passionflower-like seeds (Passifloroidesperma) from the Pliocene Gray Fossil Site of eastern North America and their biogeographic implications. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Phoenix, Arizona).

Hermsen, E.J.* 2019. Engelhardioid fruits from the Eocene of Patagonia and the paleobiogeography of Engelhardioideae. The International Symposium on Major Refugia of Relict Trees: Recent Advances in Research and Conservation (Shanghai, China). Link to abstract book on ResearchGate (pdf)


Hendricks, J.R.*, E.J. Hermsen, and E. Hauf. 2018. The Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life (DEAL): An open access paleontology textbook. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, Indiana).

Hermsen, E.J.* 2018. Taxonomic composition of the Neogene Gray Fossil Site carpoflora (Tennessee, USA). [Poster] Botany 2018 (Rochester, Minnesota). Link to abstract

Hermsen, E.J.*, and J.R. Hendricks. 2018. The Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life (DEAL): An open access, online paleontology textbook. 35th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Athens, Ohio).

Jud, N.A.*, F. De Benedetti, E.J. Hermsen, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2018. Azolla sporophytes with attached sporocarps from the early Paleocene (Danian) Salamanca Formation, Patagonia, Argentina. 35th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Athens, Ohio).

Jud, N.A.*, F. De Benedetti, E.J. Hermsen, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2018. An organismal concept for fossil Azolla from the early Paleocene (Danian) Salamanca Formation, Patagonia, Argentina. Botany 2018 (Rochester, Minnesota). Link to abstract

Quirk, Z.*, and E.J. Hermsen. 2018. Neogene Corylopsis seeds from eastern Tennessee. 35th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Athens, Ohio).

Siegert, C.*, and E.J. Hermsen. 2018. Structure and affinities of a novel type of endocarp from the Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee. 35th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Athens, Ohio).


Hermsen, E.J.*, N.A. Jud, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2017. Cretaceous-Paleogene mosquito ferns (Azolla) from Patagonia (Chubut Province, Argentina). Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Seattle, Washington). 

Hermsen, E.J.*, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2017. Fossil mosquito ferns (Azolla) from Patagonia. 11th Annual Summer Symposium at the Paleontological Research Institution (Ithaca, New York). [No abstract]

Hermsen, E.J.* 2017. Progress and pitfalls in understanding the fossil record of the water clover family (Marsileaceae). 34th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Ann Arbor, Michigan). Link to abstract

Welker, S.*, C. Siegert, and E.J. Hermsen. 2017. Enigmatic four-chambered fruits from the Neogene Gray Fossil Site, eastern Tennessee. [Poster] 34th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Ann Arbor, Michigan). Link to meeting abstracts


Hermsen, E.J.* 2016. Fossil water clovers and wannabees. 10th Annual Summer Symposium at the Paleontological Research Institution (Ithaca, New York). [No abstract]

Hermsen, E.J.* 2016. Water clovers and their pretenders. 33rd Northeast-Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Ithaca, New York).

Hermsen, E.J., M.A. Gandolfo*, P. Wilf, and M.J. Carvalho. 2016. The utility of phylogenetic analyses for interpreting fossil floras: A case study from Eocene South America. 35th Annual Meeting of the Willi Hennig Society and XII Reunión de Cladística y Biogeografia (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


Gandolfo, M.A.*, M.C. Zamaloa, A. Archangelsky, S. Archangelsky, V. Barreda, N.R. Cúneo, E.J. Hermsen, A. Iglesias, M. Llorens, P.L. Narvaez, M.G. Passalia, V. Pérez Loinaze, L. Povilauskas, M.B. Prámparo, G.G. Puebla, M. Quattrocchio, E.J. Romero, P. Vallati, and P. Wilf. 2015. An updated comprehensive study of Cretaceous-Paleogene angiosperms from Argentina. Botany 2015 (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). Link to abstract

Gandolfo, M.A.*, and E.J. Hermsen. 2015. Floral links between ancient Patagonia and the Northern Hemisphere. 32nd Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Arcata, California).

Gandolfo, M.A., M.C. Zamaloa, and E.J. Hermsen*. 2015. What are the Miocene floras from Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, Argentina, telling us? Botany 2015 (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). Link to abstract

Iglesias, A.*, M.A. Gandolfo, P.D. Wilf, R.J. Carpenter, and E.J. Hermsen. 2015. Registro de Cunoniaceae en el Paleógeno de Patagonia. XVI Simposio Argentino de Paleobotánica y Palinología (La Plata, Argentina).


Gandolfo, M.A., E.J. Hermsen*, and M.C. Zamaloa. 2014. Why are Cenozoic paleofloras fundamental for understanding modern plant distributions? Paleontological Society Special Publication 13: 62-63. 10th North American Paleontological Convention (Gainesville, Florida).

Gandolfo, M.A.*, M.C. Zamaloa, A. Archangelsky, S. Archangelsky, V. Barreda, N.R. Cúneo, E.J. Hermsen, A. Iglesias, M. Llorens, P.L. Narvaez, M.G. Passalia, V. Pérez Loinaze, L. Povilauskas, M.B. Prámparo, G.G. Puebla, M. Quattrocchio, E.J. Romero, P. Vallati, and P. Wilf. 2014. An updated comprehensive study of Cretaceous-Paleogene angiosperms from Argentina. 4th International Palaeontological Congress (Mendoza, Argentina).

Hermsen, E.J.* 2014. Reconstructing the fossil record of Marsilea in North America. Botany 2014 (Boise, Idaho). Link to abstract

Hermsen, E.J.*, M.A. Gandolfo, P. Wilf, and N.R. Cúneo. 2014. Beyond the Gondwanan expressway: Patagonian-northern hemisphere connections. Paleontological Society Special Publication 13: 64. 10th North American Paleontological Convention (Gainesville, Florida).

Wilf, P., V.D. Barreda, W.C. Clyde, N.R. Cúneo, M.A. Gandolfo, E.J. Hermsen*, and A. Iglesias. 2014. Plants and their dates tell the animals’ west side story (early Paleogene of Patagonia, Argentina, West Gondwana). Paleontological Society Special Publication 13: 65-66. 10th North American Paleontological Convention (Gainesville, Florida).


Cúneo, N.*, I. Escapa, M. Zamaloa, M.A. Gandolfo, and E.J. Hermsen. 2013. Dicksoniaceous ferns from the Cretaceous of Patagonia, Argentina. Botany 2013 (New Orleans, Louisiana). Link to abstract

Gandolfo, M.A.*, and E.J. Hermsen. 2013. A critical review of the fossil history of the southern hemisphere family Cunoniaceae. Botany 2013 (New Orleans, Louisiana). Link to abstract

Gandolfo, M.A.* and E.J. Hermsen. 2013. Floral links between ancient Patagonia and the Northern Hemisphere. VII Southern Connection Congress 2013 (Dunedin, New Zealand).

Hermsen, E.J.*, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2013. Paleobotany, divergence dating, and the Fossil Calibration Database. Botany 2013 (New Orleans, Louisiana). Link to abstract

Hermsen, E.J.*, M.A. Gandolfo, M. Zamaloa, and N. Cúneo. 2013. Morphology of Azolla-like sporophytes and associated spores from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia, Argentina. Botany 2013 (New Orleans, Louisiana). Link to abstract

Hermsen, E.J.*, and S.Y. Smith. 2013. What use is paleobotany anyhow? Using the fossil record to understand monocot evolution, past diversity, and biogeography. Monocots V, 5th International Conference on Comparative Biology of Monocotyledons (New York, New York).


Cúneo, N.*, E.J. Hermsen, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2012. First fossil record of the aquatic fern Regnellidium in the Late Cretaceous of South America. Botany 2012 (Columbus, Ohio). Link to abstract

Gandolfo, M.A.*, N.R. Cúneo, E.J. Hermsen, and J. Gallego. 2012. Aquatic plant communities from the Upper Cretaceous La Colonia Formation, Patagonia, Argentina. Japanese Journal of Palynology 58 (Special Issue, Abstracts: IPC/IOPC 2012): 66. (Tokyo, Japan).

Gandolfo, M.A.* and E.J. Hermsen. 2012. The emerging Patagonian fossil record of Cunoniaceae and its biogeographical significance. Japanese Journal of Palynology 58 (Special Issue, Abstracts: IPC/IOPC 2012): 66-67. (Tokyo, Japan).

Hermsen, E.J.*, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2012. Fossil fruits of Engelhardioideae: exploring the Patagonian-northern hemisphere connection in the fossil record. Japanese Journal of Palynology 58 (Special Issue, Abstracts: IPC/IOPC 2012): 84. (Tokyo, Japan).

Hermsen, E.J.*, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2012. A planned database for vetted fossil calibrations. Recent Topics Poster, Botany 2012 (Columbus, Ohio). Link to abstract

Hermsen, E.J.*, M.A. Gandolfo, and N.R. Cúneo. 2012. Marsileaceaephyllum leaflets and associated sporocarps and spores from the Cañadón del Irupé locality, Upper Cretaceous La Colonia Formation, Chubut Province, Argentina. Botany 2012 (Columbus, Ohio). Link to abstract


Hermsen, E.J.*, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2011. Early Eocene winged fruits of the Walnut Family (Juglandaceae) from Patagonia, Argentina. XVIII International Botanical Congress (Melbourne, Australia).

Hermsen, E.J., M.A. Gandolfo*, K.R. Johnson, M.C. Zamaloa, K.C. Nixon, P.Wilf, and N.R. Cúneo. 2011. Eucalyptus from the early Eocene of Patagonia, Argentina: phylogenetic, biogeographic, and ecological implications for understanding eucalypt evolution. XVIII International Botanical Congress (Melbourne, Australia).

Hermsen, E.J., M.A. Gandolfo, P. Wilf, N.R. Cúneo, and K.R. Johnson. Systematics and morphology of selected angiosperm reproductive structures from the Eocene Laguna del Hunco flora, Chubut Province, Argentina. ePoster, XVIII International Botanical Congress (Melbourne, Australia).


Hermsen, E.J.* 2010. The historical biogeography of Itea—an eastern North American-eastern Asian-eastern African disjunct taxon—based on its fossil record. Recent Topics Poster, Botany 2010 (Providence, Rhode Island). Link to abstract

Hermsen, E.J.*, M.A. Gandolfo, P. Wilf, N.R. Cúneo, and K.R. Johnson. 2010. Systematics of Eocene angiosperm reproductive structures from the Laguna del Hunco flora, NW Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting & Exposition (Denver, Colorado). Link to abstract

Hermsen, E.J.*, M. Gandolfo, P. Wilf, N. Cúneo, K. Johnson, and A. Iglesias. 2010. New angiosperm reproductive structures from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco flora, Chubut Province, Argentina. Botany 2010 (Providence, Rhode Island). Link to abstract

Nixon, K., E. Hermsen*, and M. Gandolfo. 2010. Phylogenetic component of Patagonian seed plant diversity. VI Southern Connection Congress, Gondwana reunited: a Southern Perspective for a Changing World (Bariloche, Argentina).


Hendricks, J.R.*, and E. Hermsen. 2007. Paleontologically informed supermatrices: fossils and phylogenetics in the age of genomics. Geological Society of America Joint South-Central and North-Central Sections 41st Annual Meeting (Lawrence, Kansas). Link to abstract 

Hermsen, E.J.*, T.N. Taylor, and E.L. Taylor. 2007. An unusual structure (ovule?) from the Middle Triassic of Antarctica. Botany & Plant Biology 2007 Joint Congress (Chicago, Illinois). Link to abstract


Hermsen, E.J.* 2006. Elucidating the diversification of saxifragalean lineages through simultaneous analysis including extant and fossil taxa. Botany 2006 (Chico, California). Link to abstract

Hermsen, E.J.*, and J.R. Hendricks. 2006. Contributions of fossil taxa to understanding morphological character evolution. Botany 2006 (Chico, California). Link to abstract

Hermsen, E.J.*, T.N. Taylor, E.L. Taylor, and D.Wm. Stevenson. 2006. The Triassic cycad Antarcticycas: an early representative in the age of cycads. Botany 2006 (Chico, California). Link to abstract


Hermsen, E.J.*, K.C. Nixon, and W.L. Crepet. 2005. Fossil reproductive structures of Saxifragales and saxifrage evolution. XVII International Botanical Congress (Vienna, Austria).

Hermsen, E.J.* 2004. A reevaluation of Stephanostemon Caspary, a putative fossil saxifrage in Baltic amber. VII International Organization of Paleobotany Conference (Bariloche, Argentina).

Hermsen, E.J.* 2003. Itea-like leaves from the middle Eocene Republic Flora, Washington, USA. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting & Exposition (Seattle, Washington). Link to abstract

Hermsen, E.*, W.L. Crepet, and K.C. Nixon. 2000. A new fossil saxifragoid from the Upper Cretaceous of New Jersey. Botany 2000 (Portland, Oregon).

Hermsen, E.J.*, and S.R. Manchester. 1999. Reevaluation of Carpites aralioides from the Eocene of Wyoming. Poster, XVI International Botanical Congress (St. Louis, Missouri).

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