New on Digital Encyclopedia: Branching


3-Panel photo image of fossil plants. Panel 1: Scale tree stem showing a dichotomy. Panel 2: An extinct giant horsetail-like plant with many lateral branches. Panel 3: Dawn redwood (a conifer) branch with branchlets.

I have released a new page on Branching to the Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life. You can view it here:

Image explanation: Branching in fossil plants. Left: Stem of a scale tree (Lepidodendron) showing a dichotomy. Center: Asterophyllites (an extinct horsetail-like plant) with lateral branching. Right. Branch of dawn redwood (Metasequoia occidentalis) with branchlets; branching is lateral and axillary in conifers. (Images by Fiona O'Brien, Robert Swerling, and Linda S. Klise, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, via GBIF).

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